
4th InsuResilience Global Partnership Annual Forum 7-10 December 2020

We are delighted to announce that the virtual sessions of the InsuResilience Global Partnership Annual Forum took place from 7th to 10th December 2020.

This year, our preparedness and response against unprecedented threats have been extremely tested. The global economy and systems have been stretched by compounding risks and climate shocks e.g., floods and landslides in Trinidad and Tobago and cyclone Amphan, which hit India and Bangladesh, that exacerbated the crisis and exceeded the coping capacities of these countries.

Notwithstanding the hard situation, individuals, communities, and the InsuResilience Global Partnership members have worked out and applied multiple ways to cope and address the challenges posed by COVID-19 and climate shocks.

Thus, this year’s Annual Forum contributed to dialogue under the dictum of “Protecting development in a changing climate risk environment.” The sessions that would usually have taken place during the in-person event have been spread into four daily 2-hour sessions. Although we were not able to meet face-to-face, we aimed to enable as much interaction and space for discussion as possible to share and learn from efforts, practices, experiences, and challenges.

We had a variety of sessions with a combination of different topics and methods. These included a high-level event to kick-start the Forum; an interactive session on how to cope with risks and uncertainties; in-depth case studies of risk management strategies of different regions across the globe; and a focus on how the InsuResilience Global Partnership impacts lives. Additionally, there were be some side-events and announcements of future developments, e.g., on gender-smart solutions.

The InsuResilience Global Partnership was more than ever inspired to create a space for reflection, exchange of knowledge and information about best practices on the concerns that threaten the lives and livelihoods of poor and vulnerable people in a changing risk environment and how to sustain developmental gains as a prerequisite for improving the well-being of vulnerable communities.