Program Alliance

The Program Alliance facilitates efficient and coordinated global action on climate and disaster risk finance and insurance

What is the Program Alliance?

The Program Alliance is the collaborative delivery vehicle of the InsuResilience Global Partnership (IGP), bringing together members from donors and implementing partners that share the common ambition to strengthen the financial resilience of poor and vulnerable people against climate and disaster risks. Its purpose is to facilitate efficient and coordinated global action on Climate and Disaster Risk Finance and Insurance (CDRFI).

The Program Alliance promotes collaboration among implementing partners to harmonise donor contributions to countries and foster coherence and synergies at the country level.

Services under the Program Alliance

As the collaborative delivery vehicle of the Partnership, the Program Alliance delivers a full package of services related to climate and disaster risk finance and insurance, including:

Research, data, modelling, innovation & learning

Technical assistance

Solution design and implementation

Financial assistance, incl. premium and capital support, and contingent financing

Transforming policy into action

Chaired by the UK (FCDO), in 2021 Program Alliance members provided substantial technical insights and were instrumental for the design of the InsuResilience Principles on SMART Premium and Capital Support and provided critical inputs to the enhancement of the Global CDRFI Architecture, laying a pathway for concrete contributions to follow in 2022.

BMZ was selected as Chair to the Alliance and has led the group to contribute to a more coherent Global CDRFI Architecture. The Program Alliance was instrumental in designing the Global Shield against Climate Risks initiative under Germany’s G7 presidency. Under the Global Shield, it will build on existing collaboration to create the Global Shield Coordination Hub and its Technical Advisory Group.