Centre of Excellence

The InsuResilience Centre of Excellence (CoE) is your go-to platform on gender-related aspects of Climate and Disaster Risk Finance and Insurance (CDRFI)

The InsuResilience Centre of Excellence on Gender-smart Solutions

Climate change impacts for women and men can overwhelmingly differ due to pervasive historical and existing gender inequalities caused by unequal power relations and structures, discriminatory laws and customs, and unequal access to and control over resources. Consequently, women and girls are disproportionately affected by disasters. In light of this, there is a clear imperative to consider the gender-dimensions within the context of Climate and Disaster Risk Finance and Insurance (CDRFI).

The vision of the InsuResilience Centre of Excellence on Gender-smart Solutions (CoE) is to provide gender -sensitive, -responsive and -transformative approaches to CDRFI solutions. It provides an online-based repository of information through a knowledge-sharing platform to aggregate resources, support leadership and promote best practices, research and training to address gaps and challenges.

The CoE offers tangible guidelines to help overcome socio-cultural norms and roles of gender that promote social exclusion and consequently, socio-economic vulnerability to climate-related disasters within the framework of climate and disaster risk finance and insurance.


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How the CoE connects with the IGP

Recognizing the need to include gender dimensions within the broader climate-related disaster risk management framework, the High-Level Consultative Group – the highest governing body of the InsuResilience Global Partnership, has prioritized gender considerations, with a particular focus on women and children, through the following actions:

  • Identified gender mainstreaming as a cross-cutting objective under the InsuResilience Global Partnership Vision 2025,
  • Tasked the InsuResilience Secretariat to form and mobilize a Gender Working Group and mandated the establishment of a Centre of Excellence on Gender-smart Solutions,
  • Commissioned two studies to provide a background on how to apply a gender-lens to Climate and Disaster Risk Finance and Insurance and provide an overview on the current entry points on integrating gender considerations into different models of climate risk insurance,
  • High-level endorsement of the Declaration on Gender, as the framework to address differential gender impacts of CDRFI solutions in the operationalization of the Partnership’s Vision 2025.

Against this backdrop, the formation of a Centre of Excellence on Gender-smart Solutions is an important milestone toward the success of Vision 2025 and will enhance the inclusion of gender dimensions within the CDRFI arena in line with the Declaration on Gender.

Key Publications

The InsuResilience Global Partnership Declaration on Gender

PDF // 1,2 MB

2021: Glossary of Key Terms and Concepts for Gender, as it Relates to Climate and Disaster Risk Finance and Insurance

2019: Integrating Gender Considerations into Different Models of Climate Risk Insurance (CRI)

PDF // 2,9 MB

2018: Applying a Gender Lens to Climate Risk Finance and Insurance

PDF // 2,7 MB

To learn more about the work of the CoE visit its website.