The result of a collaboration between InsuResilience and the NAP GN, a new report examines entry points for CDRFI to enhance national resilience-building efforts through NAPs.
This report presents an analysis of ways in which existing National Adaptation Plans and those under way have already integrated CDRFI, and suggests ways for both NAP and CDRFI actors to increasingly consider interlinkages in the future. some striking findings emerge from the report’s analysis. For instance, 90% of countries with a National Adaptation Plan in place already plan to use insurance for resilience-building, in particular in the agricultural sectors. Non-insurance CDRFI tools specifically adept for lower risk-layers in a risk-layered approach, however, are underrepresented. Other themes relevant to CDRFI expertise and common across NAPs include adaptive social protection schemes, as well as the need for improved data generation, management, and analysis.
The report ends on a set of recommendations for NAP stakeholders in vulnerable countries, as well as for external support actors. Pulling in the same direction, more should be done to seize the potentials that CDRFI integration holds for building resilience through NAPs.