On 27 October 2021, the High-Level Consultative Group (HLCG) came together to discuss the strategic direction of the InsuResilience Global Partnership (IGP) to better promote the uptake of Climate and Disaster RiskFinance and Insurance (CDRFI) in poor and vulnerable countries. The agenda focused on smart Premium and Capital Support and on laying the groundwork for a strategic review of the current state and future of the global Architecture for Climate and Disaster Risk Finance and Insurance.
During the fourth HLCG meeting in June, the members discussed how to make CDRFI-solutions more sustainable and affordable, and tasked the InsuResilience Secretariat to summarise the discussion and develop good practice principles for premium and capital support. In a guided process, and based on the input received by the members, the Secretariat presented a policy note highlighting five SMART Premium and Capital Support Principles. After an introduction of the main elements, the Principles were approved unanimously by the HLCG members.
The second part of the meeting addressed the state and future of the Global CDRFI Architecture, the progress made in the delivery of financial protection against disasters for poor and vulnerable people as well as the persisting challenges in light of more frequent and higher-intensity climate-related hazards. After exchanging their views in a lively discussion on the opportunities for more impactful solutions, HLCG members approved to set the enhancement of the Global CDRFI Architecture as a core strategic topic for the InsuResilience Global Partnership in 2022 and tasked the InsuResilience Secretariat to summarise the discussion and provide guidance on potential next steps.
As the leading global platform for CDRFI, the InsuResilience Global Partnership is uniquely positioned to support a substantial enhancement of the existing CDRFI architecture, also using upcoming political events for increasing awareness of the need for more systematic and sustained disaster preparedness measures and protection.
To read the 5th HLCG conclusions report, click here.
HLCG members represent various stakeholder groups. As a platform encouraging exchange among members, the HLCG strives to achieve a balance of representation from the Global South and Global North. Additionally, it aims to encourage seminal dialogues between the public and private sector. Together, members work to help countries better prepare for climate-induced disasters and build resilience in the face of climate and disaster risks.