Webinar | 7 February 2023, 14:00-16:00 CET
The InsuResilience Global Partnership’s goal is that by 2025 all Climate and Disaster Risk Finance and Insurance schemes under the Partnership should be gender-responsive. This means that they should account for differences in men’s and women’s vulnerability to climate risks and disaster-induced wellbeing losses.
To better understand how the partnership’s targets on gender are realised at the programme and project level, the InsuResilience Secretariat commissioned an in-depth qualitative study through its Centre of Excellence on Gender-smart Solutions. For the study, researchers from Oxford Policy Management interviewed a sample of donors, programmes and projects to assess their performance against the IGP gender targets and to understand more fully the operational challenges they encounter. The final study will be available soon on our Knowledge Hub.
In this webinar, researchers from Oxford Policy Management will present the study’s findings and discuss ways to increase the gender responsiveness of InsuResilience projects and future activities under the Global Shield against Climate Change.
The webinar forms part of the Pre-Forum series of technical workshops and webinars leading up to the Annual Forum 2023, which will take place on 9 June.