Focus Topic: Integrated Approaches

We facilitate peer learning to generate and disseminate knowledge on approaches that integrate risk financing with other risk management elements

About the focus topic integrated approaches

The InsuResilience Global Partnership aims at embedding risk finance and insurance in comprehensive risk management to ensure and foster long-term resilience gains for vulnerable people.

Under this focus topic, peer learning is facilitated to generate and disseminate knowledge on new and existing approaches that integrate risk financing/insurance instruments with other risk management elements. In the hope of helping to overcome ‘either/or’ trade-offs between investments in risk reduction, preparedness or risk transfer, this builds on the notion of ‘resilience dividends’ and seeks to suggest tangible options to capture them and bring corresponding solutions closer to implementation. For example, linking early warning systems to risk financing can facilitate pay-outs based on disaster forecasts, i.e. reaching communities before a disaster strikes. This has the potential to reduce further the costs of the disaster and its impact on lives and livelihoods. Alternatively, various works are ongoing under the Partnership to apply insurance to financially protect natural resilience barriers, such as coral reefs or mangroves. Linking nature-based solutions to risk financing bears great potential to generate risk reduction co-benefits and resilience gains beyond financial protection.

Studies and analyses

Over the past years, the InsuResilience Secretariat established and facilitated a working group to enable technical exchange and shared learning on integrated approaches. This has also led to various studies and analyses shedding light on particular aspects of integrated approaches, including:

Ecosystem-based Adaptation and Insurance: Success, Challenges and Opportunities

PDF // 2,0 MB

The Value of Reefs for Protecting the Most Vulnerable Populations in the Dominican Republic, Jamaica and Grenada

PDF // 2,1 MB

Concept Development Study: Financing Flood Resilience in Indonesia (Mercy Corps)

PDF // 0,6 MB

Moving from this phase, four sectoral communities emerged to tackle specific sectoral elements of integrated approaches. The main objectives of these Sectoral Communities are to enable a more structured and focused exchange, a more effective learning process, and sharing of the latest evidence, trends and innovations. The four Sectoral Communities are:

  • Linking Risk Financing to Anticipatory Action
  • Nature-based Solutions (NbS) and Risk Financing
  • Integrated Resilience Approaches in Agriculture
  • Risk Financing for Resilience Infrastructure

With the work under some of these Sectoral Communities coming to an end now, the Partnership enters a new phase for this focus topic, with a stronger focus on transferring concepts and solution ideas into the practical work within countries. Going forward, the Secretariat will continue facilitating peer learning and joint work on this focus topic, applying demand-driven collaboration formats and streamlining efforts with other initiatives.

Key Publications

Blog article on Integrated Approaches

March 2022

Workshop Report: Sectoral Community on Anticipatory Action and Risk Finance

September 2021

The Value of Reefs for Protecting the Most Vulnerable Populations in the Dominican Republic, Jamaica and Grenada


Flood Resilience and Livelihoods Development


Building Back Better: Using Innovative Finance to support Climate Resilience and COVID-19 Recovery in Indonesia

Summary Report on the web-talk on Risk Financing and Nature-Based Solutions


Linkages and Opportunities for Integrated Approaches

Summary Report on the web-talk: Early Warning Systems and Risk Financing

Opportunities for Enhancing Anticipatory Action

Ecosystem-based Adaptation and Insurance: Success, Challenges and Opportunities


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