InsuResilience Annual Forum 2021
On our way to achieving Vision 2025 – Moving from political ambition to implementation
28-29th October 2021 | Online Conference
Annual Forum 2021
The InsuResilience Annual Forum is coming back this October in a virtual format with some very exciting opportunities to learn, exchange and interact ahead of the UNFCCC COP26 in Glasgow. This virtual edition of the Annual Forum will be guided by the theme: “On our way to achieving Vision 2025- Moving from political ambition to implementation”. It will foster an inclusive dialogue among various stakeholders: focusing especially on exchange and learnings from the field, and public-private partnerships.
This two-day event will be a chance for you to take part in engaging conversations, exchange on best practices and discuss future directions to jointly drive forward effective, affordable, and accessible Climate and Disaster Risk Finance and Insurance solutions. From the Leaders Dialogue on Smart Premium Capital Support or Inclusive Insurance with Partners such as the World Bank, the Microinsurance Network and the Government of the Philippines, to regional sessions with engaging organizations such as the Africa Risk Capacity, the World Food Programme, the African Development Bank or the Asian Development Bank among many others, to an exclusive interview with Nobel Prize winner Professor Abhijit Banerjee and Ekhosuehi Iyahen from the Insurance Development Forum, our varied agenda is sure to pique your interest.
Key objectives include:
- Spotlighting key levers that may accelerate take-up of CDRFI such as Smart Premium and Capital Support Principles featured through Leaders Dialogues.
- Showcasing groundbreaking initiatives from across the world, such as the launch of the Pacific Insurance and Climate Adaptation Programme, a coffee insurance for small holder farmers in Vietnam, and the development of insurance pilots such as one of the world’s first forecast-based financial mechanisms focused on extreme heat and so much more!
- Highlighting key deliverables and milestones from the InsuResilience Secretariat in 2021, including the new Monitoring and Evaluation Framework, and the creation of an IGP Evidence Roadmap.
- Creating an opportunity to network and establish a partner and stakeholder organization network, focusing on locally-led action.
- Raising ambition and setting standards on the successful implementation of CDRFI solutions.

The Annual Forum offers an online programme of activities allowing for open dialogue, self-reflection, and knowledge transfer.

Event Booklet
Download the event booklet now and get a quick overview of the topics and the agenda.